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Alzheimer’s Biomarker Study
Biomarkers indicate what's happening inside your body
Accurate & Timely Detection Of Alzheimer’s Disease
Imagine your body is like a car, and you want to know how it’s running. A biomarker is like a gauge or a warning light on the dashboard, something measurable in your body that may indicate if you have a disease, how well a treatment is working, or if you’re at risk for a future health problem.
Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by two biomarkers: the accumulation of amyloid proteins and p-tau proteins.
This study is looking at new Alzheimer’s biomarker tests: eye exams, simple blood samples, and easy digital tests. Measured against the results of traditional PET and MRI tests, these new tools could one day serve as an effective system to identify Alzheimer’s more easily and at significantly less cost.
Who is eligible?
You may qualify for this study if:
- You are between 60-90 years old.
- You have a close study partner.
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Sign up for an initial assessment (called a “prescreen”), and we'll give you a call. One of our professional medical staff will answer your questions and give you more information about Charter Research prior to an in-office visit.